Service Provider Organizations (SPOs) in the immigration serving sector extensively impact the resettlement journey of millions of newcomers in Canada every year. As these organizations’ missions, values, and goals can help shape the future of Canada, their CEOs and senior management have an enormous responsibility in how they lead and support their staff. This module was created to feature a series of interviews with CEOs and senior management to share their insights and convey lessons that may support their successors and leaders from other organizations.
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As part of our efforts to reflect on the past 50 years of official multiculturalism policy in Canada, this course will focus in particular on the role of ethno-specific community organizations in the integration of newcomers to this country. The aim of the course is to examine the role of communities in service delivery to newcomers and compare ethno-specific and/or community-based initiatives in the integration and settlement process with a broader, federal approach. Some of the learning modules will focus on whether such community-based approaches align with how the idea of multiculturalism is translated into practice. Course modules will consider how the needs of communities are determined and addressed, identify best practices that can be shared and consider the successes and challenges of particular initiatives.
Canada has been a destination for refugees since before Confederation but while early Canadian refugee policy was characterized by race-based discrimination, the aftermath of the Second World War dramatically shifted official policy and public opinion. Subsequent resettlements eventually led to Canada being awarded the Nansen Medal by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), specifically for its welcoming of Indochinese “boat people”. More recently, Canada was applauded for responding rapidly to welcome those displaced during the civil war in Syria. In a country that generally prides itself on its humanitarian reputation, the current crises in Afghanistan and Ukraine have brought the refugee question to the forefront of public discourse. How can lessons from past successes and failures be applied to current initiatives and continue to improve on the Canadian model of welcome and settlement?
Experts will speak on issues ranging from the historical evolution of Canadian public opinion on immigration, to the recent settlement of Syrian and Afghan refugees. The course will also consider best practices and strategies for working on issues related to refugee settlement, as well as potential improvements to Canada’s existing approach/policies.Alors que le poids démographique des francophones au Canada continue de diminuer, l'immigration est une question encore plus pertinente à aborder lorsqu'il s'agit de la survie des communautés francophones minoritaires à travers le pays. Il est impératif de comprendre l'impact que représente l'immigration et la diversité sur ce que signifie être francophone au Canada, ainsi que les collaborations intergouvernementales, interorganisationnelles et intercommunales nécessaires au fonctionnement d'une politique d'immigration qui répond simultanément aux besoins de l'État, des communautés et entreprises francophones minoritaires et des immigrants en voie d'intégration.
This toolkit is intended to help citizens, organizations, municipal elected officials, and employees understand and prepare for joining the Coalition. It provides information and practical advice about working with community stakeholders to develop and implement a Plan of Action to advance inclusion at the municipal level. Finally, it provides guidance on evaluating results and describing the impact of the Plan of Action.
This uMetropolis course developed by World Education Services (WES) and Metropolis Institute lays out and expands on the issue of unemployment in the immigrant and refugee youth workforce and examines the needs and opportunities for immigrant youth in the labour market. Throughout the course, real-life narratives and supplementary readings provide valuable perspectives on the aspirations, obstacles, and opportunities of immigrant youth, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and innovation in this endeavor.
This course will examine the principal challenges around migration and settlement encountered by immigrant service providers and policy-makers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The backbone of our learning modules are video interviews with Subject Matter Experts, including researchers, policy makers and practitioners, offering key insights into the best practices in the field.